


Learn about the latest news.

  • Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 LTS Beta Released!

    On April 2, 2020 Beijing time, the Ubuntu Kylin team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Kylin open source operating system 20.04 beta, which also marks the final stage of the development of


  • UKUI Landing openEuler Community, the first desktop environment SIG of China go online !

    On March 26, 2020, after the deliberation and approval of the openEuler Community Technical Committee, the UKUI desktop environment special interest group (UKUI SIG) was officially established, which


  • Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 Testing Week

    April 2nd is the beta release of what will become Ubuntu Kylin 20.04, and during this week, there will be a freeze on changes to features, the user interface and documentation. Between April 2nd and final release on April 23rd, the Ubuntu Kylin team and community will focus on ISO testing, bug reporting, and fixing bugs. Please join the community by downloading the daily ISO image and trying it out, even beginning today.


  • UKUI 3.0 Preview-TaskBar

    The UbuntuKylin open source Linux desktop operating system was created in 2013 and has released a total of 14 versions. It is one of the official derivative versions of Ubuntu and is equipped with the UKUI desktop environment by default. In April 2020, UbuntuKylin 20.04 LTS will be released soon, and it will be equipped with the new UKUI 3.0 preview version.


  • UKUI 3.0 Preview-Start Menu

    UKUI 3.0 was developed using Qt, adhering to the "easy、excellent、expert、elaborate" design philosophy, and will provide users with a more pleasant interactive experience.


  • Tencent Video Linux version released, Ubuntu Kylin application ecosystem further enhanced

    Recently, Tencent officially released V1.0.10 version of Tencent Video Linux Client, which provides two installation package formats: rpm and deb. More and more commercial comp


  • Ubuntu Kylin team's was invited to participate in the international "Linux app summit" to actively promotes the construction of Linux application ecosystem!

    From November 12th to 15th, 2019, the "Linux app Summit (LAS) 2019" jointly hosted by GNOME and KDE, two major international free software desktop environments, was successfully held in Barcelona, Spain. Ubuntu Kylin team’s representative members including Dr. Jack Yu , Dr. Xiaodong Liu and director Min Liu attended the summit and delivered the keynote speech of “Ubuntu Kylin practice on application construction for Linux ecosystem”.


  • Stability continues to increase, Ubuntu Kylin 19.10.1 Released!

    The released version of Ubuntu Kylin19.10.1 is the updated version, the kernel version is upgraded to, and the Firefox browser is upgraded to 70.0. Some underlying libraries are updated as well. The icon theme settings and font advanced settings are added in the control panel . At the same time, the problems fed back by users through forums, wechat, official website and other platforms are fixed.


  • Kylin team's assisted China open source annual conference, produced open source operating system forum and made theme report!

    COSCon'19, the open source annual event in 2019 , was successfully held by the open source society in East China Normal University (North Zhongshan Road Campus, Putuo District, Shanghai) from Nove


  • Ubuntu Kylin assist Ubuntu 19.10 release party and share UKUI desktop environment

    Yesterday afternoon, the "Ubuntu 19.10 release party" was successfully held in Zhongguancun, Beijing by Ubuntu. Min Liu , the head of Ubuntu Kylin community, was invited to attend and give a


  • Ubuntu Kylin 19.10 Software Center,New facelift, simplification for complex

    Last week,The latest version of Ubuntu Kylin open source operating system 19.10 (version code EOAN ermine) is officially released. The release version of Ubuntu Kylin 19.10 integrates a new and upgrad


  • Ubuntu Kylin 19.10 Final Now Available for Download!

    In October 18th, 2019, we glad to announce the official release of opensource operating system Ubuntu Kylin 19.10(Eoan Ermine). In this version, we have integrated new software center and other applications. In order to provide a better experience for users, a series of improvements are made on system kernel, basic service, desktop environment and specialized Apps. In addition, other opensource distribution such as Ubuntu 19.10、Lubuntu 19.10 and Ubuntu Mate 19.10 are released in the same time.


  • Sogou input method Linux - V2.3 version released, perfect fit Ubuntu Kylin 19.10

    Ubuntu Kylin 19.10 was released on yesterday,This version integrates the new control panel and software store,Have you downloaded the experience yet?。Now,I will introduce you to the new version of the Linux-V2.3 Sogou input method that comes with the system release.If you are a long-time user of five-stroke typing, then this is definitely a good news for you.


  • Ubuntu Kylin 19.10 Beta Released!

    UTC September 27, Ubuntu Kylin and Ubuntu released the 19.10 Beta version, marking the final stage of development of the 19.10 version. The version code is Eoan Ermine, with a support period of 9 months, and the official version will be released in October.
